Excel BI Power Query Challenge Workout 006

(Excel formulas also welcome)

Count the no. of subjects per row and generate the result as shown. For example, Physics appears in 3 different rows, hence answer for Physics is 3.

  1. If a subject appears more than once in a row, it will be treated as one only for that row. For example “PHYSICS, Chemistry, Maths PHysics” - Physics appears two times in this row, hence it will be treated as one only for that row. “english+biology-english” - English will be counted as one only for this row.
  2. New separators other than given above may come in future. @, $, * etc may come which are currently not there. Hence, responding to an unknown separator is a requirement here.

Download Practice File - https://lnkd.in/df9pHaTn

(Post answers in Comment. Your approach need not be different from others as long as you have worked out your approach independently)

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