Evolution of the last 6 months from a month that we can choose

Hello all,

After having searched well, I still cannot find the solution to my problem,Thank you for your help.
I want to calculate the evolution of the last 6 months in Power BI, but from a given date, for example here we do it from 01/12/2015, but not from the last date (01/01/2016). So I have to divide each value of the month 12/01/2015 by the corresponding value in the last sixth month then withdraw 1 for each element (see example attached).

Thank you for your help

example_case.xlsx (19.4 KB)
question.pbix (44.3 KB)

Hello @tapzad,

please see if attached fulfills your needs.
I added a date table, calculated the 6 months before value with DATEADD and then divided them to get the growth.

question(2).pbix (93.0 KB)

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Hi @tapzad

If you want to compare only two dates selected date and corresponding last sixth month, we can do in multiple ways.
Simple solution is create three measures for 01/12 ,01/6 and evolution last 6 months, but the first 2 measure names are not dynamic. For dynamic labels we’ve to create cards and place on top of that measures.

I did it in a different way.

Here is the measure

question.pbix (56.0 KB)


Thank you very much to you, you are really great. Your latest solution goes beyond my expectations :+1:


Hi @tapzad

I’m glad that you loved it.

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