Error message: Preview refresh was canceled

I’m getting the below error message…

If I click Retry it loads without a problem.

Did an option setting get changed or something?

This error appears if some other query table is being refreshed in the data model. This is not an issue. This error will go away once the refresh of the other query table is completed.

When I am in PBI Desktop and hit the refresh button, I get this error message…

Do I just have to wait or is something else going on?

Bill, the issues are not related, so it is good you opened a separate thread for it.
Pranamg wrote correctly “This is not an issue”. It is not related to the data model though, it is a simple preview refresh topic. You skipped from one step to the other before the preview refresh was finalized. Give it more time, or if you were impatient, just click the Retry button.

Thanks for the explanation