Edited a working pbitools.json to create one for Just Color Picker but get an “invalid json error” when PBIDesktop opens. Cannot see what is wrong with my json (posted) Or is the problem that the executable cannot be called in this manner (not a website)?
“version”: “”,
“name”: “Just Color Picker”,
“description”: “Pick colors and create palates”,
“path”: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Just Color Picker\jcpicker.exe”,
“iconData”: “”
Welcome to the forum - great to have you here! Awesome idea to add Just Color Picker to the External Tools Menu. I modified your JSON file, and got it working just fine:
However, I don’t have the expertise that @samaguire does to automate the install with Powershell, so you will need to modify the pathnames for the .exe and .txt files manually within the attached JSON file.
Thanks! – that would be awesome. This app is just a huge convenience and timesaver when dealing with hex codes and color themes. I’ve actually done a couple of videos focused on this app, and am amazed it never occurred to me to put it on the External Tools menu until @paidcritic’s initial post.
BTW - thanks again for the most recent version of the PracticeDataset external tool. I literally use that thing every day.
Sorry - I should have been clearer about that. For the Just Color Picker tool, go to @samaguire’s GitHub link above and download the top 2 files listed:
Close PBI and copy these to the following directory (you will need Administrator privileges to your machine):
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Power BI Desktop\External Tools
(Note: I install the 64-bit version of PBI manually. If you install the 32-bit version or install via the Windows store, this directory may change - the key is to search for the External Tools folder).
When you reopen PBI, the tool should be installled.
To help you make the most of the External Tools menu and get your toolbar looking like this:
. The Practice Dataset used to be kind of a pain to install, but @samaguire’s revision makes it super simple – it’s exactly the same process now as installing Just Color Picker.
Here’s the link:
Also, I would really encourage you to give Analyst Hub a go if you’re not already using it. @sam.mckay and his development team have really built a fantastic productivity app, which gets even better with every new release. There’s currently a free month-long trial period where you can test the full functionality of the app. That’s definitely one of the ones on my External Tools menu I use the most frequently.
I just Google, especially for some of the more technical stuff. But I’ve always been deep into writing Excel macros and T-SQL scripts. So picked things up quickly from a logic point of view.
MS Learn now has some free learning which looks like a good intro.
Very cool. Was he surprised that you’d turned this into an external tool, and how many fans of JCP there are in this forum? I wondered if s/he saw a spike in his downloaded numbers and wondered what was going on?
Anny’s put out a new version of Just Color Picker. This was specifically to address the saving of spaces in the colour codes when saving the code list. This means you don’t need to remove the spaces in the colour codes when grabbing them from the saved colour code list!
A big thank you to Anny who made that change specifically for us!
I made some changes. The bin file is no longer required as the script will grab the app directly from Anny’s site when it isn’t found locally, or an updated version is detected.