Using the slicer feature, I want the user to be able to filter the visual to only display the Month(s) when the total minutes summed for that month exceed the minimum measure ‘thresh-hold’ selected in the slicer itself. Right now, the slicer filters out measure values at the individual date level which do not exceed the ‘thresh-hold’. Maybe there is a better way to highlight such months, rather than trying to use the slicer, idk. Data model attached.
I just posted a solution on a totally different question, where the approach I used might work well for you here also. That user also wanted to filter at the month level. I used two disconnected date tables to define a start and end month, and then harvesting those dates created a 0/1 dummy variable measure reflecting the logic of the records he wanted to show, and then put that measure in the filter pane and set it equal to 1. I think that approach would work well here, defining the dummy variable both in terms of the start and end dates, but also the minimum minute threshold.
Hi @mdalton2100, did the response provided by @BrianJ help you solve your query? If not, how far did you get and what kind of help you need further? If yes, kindly mark as solution the answer that solved your query.
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Thank you for looking into my issue. The key issue with my problem is that the default Slicer tool impacts the sum totals by month when ‘activated’. Yet the user requires leveraging the slicer feature (dynamically) to display company IDs that exceed the slicer selected minute thresh-hold for a given month – without changing the minute totals themselves! Maybe this requires a different approach, not sure. I suppose I’m just not apprehending how your other solution could be applied here. Data Model with Mockup _ filter measures by Month total.pbix (3.0 MB)
Hi @mdalton2100, did the response provided by @Greg help you solve your query? If not, how far did you get and what kind of help you need further? If yes, kindly mark as solution the answer that solved your query.
Greg … Thanks, the solution looks good. However, I’m having a bit of trouble re-producing your solution. So I added a 2nd report page in the same data model, where I attempted to re-produce your solution without success. Can you please check it out? Hopefully I made a simple mistake.
Hi @mdalton2100. You’re using a standard slicer on your new page, and SELECTEDVALUE returns blank when multiple values are available. Using a what-if parameter will allow SELECTEDVALUE to return a single value should provide the way forward.
Hi Greg. I assumed that applying a What-If parameter for purposes of the visual would do the trick. It’s not clear to me how your solution enables the slicer to select one incremental value at a time. I’ve re-attached the .PBIX file: first report page is your solution, second one is my (failed) attempt at replicating it. - Marcus