Edit Multiple instances of Field Name in Advanced Query Editor

I just watched the Report Development Best Practices videos and one of the sections talks about where you can use “Shift” + “CTRL” + “L” and then you are able to edit all occurrences of a field name in a DAX measure. My question is, can you do the same in the Power Query advanced editor? I tried those key strokes but they don’t work. However when you select a field name in the advanced editor, all instances of the field are highlighted. So I would like to change the name all at once if possible.


Hi @patrickcox. AFAIK this is only a DAX Editor feature … I’m not aware of a corresponding PQ feature, but will be interested in others’ comments.

Hi @patrickcox,

@Greg is correct, currently that functionality or ‘find and replace’ equivalent is not available in the PQ Advanced Editor.

All the best

@patrickcox You can copy the code and use any basic text editor to perform that operation.

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@patrickcox ,

Visual Studio Code actually has a free third-party IntelliSense plug-in for M code if you have the need for heavy duty M code editing.

  • Brian

Hello @patrickcox, just following up if the responses above help you solve your inquiry?

If not, how far did you get and what kind of help you need further? If yes, kindly mark as solution the answer that solved your query.

Sorry, I forgot!