Just a general question with regards to location data.
Has anyone any experience of Eastings & Northings and how to convert them so they can be used for geospatial/mapping purposes?
Just a general question with regards to location data.
Has anyone any experience of Eastings & Northings and how to convert them so they can be used for geospatial/mapping purposes?
Thanks Melissa
E&N are not something I have come across sofar.
Interesting background on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Transverse_Mercator_coordinate_system,
on this page you can find the formula for conversion, which is intimidating to say the least.
Also you can download an R script to do this, on https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36520915/converting-utms-to-lat-long-in-r
Online converters can do the job as well, assuming you have not got many.
Given the complexity of the formula I would recommend using R.
I am interested to learn in what context you are using N&E? In the Iconmap visual you can select between coordinates or x/y, not N&E.
In my work as logistics consultant I have not come across this question before. A while ago someone asked me about converting what3words to lat/lon, being used to identify specific locations, what3words.com.
Hi Paul,
I’ve been wanting to practice my mapping skills so decided to try and combine it with a personal project. As a proud Scot I wanted to build a Power BI Report that had something to do with Renewable Energy in Scotland, did a little bit of digging & found some open source data on the Highland Council website around wind turbines. The Eastings & Northings of the Wind Turbines are in Excel attachment.
I’m currently working with a Freight/Logistics Company but this is purely a personal project in which I wanted to learn & upskill.
Renewable energy | Wind Turbine list (highland.gov.uk)
Download_Turbines_2021v1.xlsx (261.2 KB)
Hi David,
I have been away on holidays, interesting project. Obviously you will be able to use your mapping skills in your current working environment. You may find the pureviz visual interesting, it allows to display, amongst other things windmills .
Did you work out the conversion?
Hi @Paul
Thanks for following up & I hope you enjoyed your holidays.
I’ll check out the pureviz visual you recommended.
I’ve not had a chance to check out the conversion as yet, a combination of work being crazy and myself also just coming back from holidays.
Once I try out the conversion and/or make some progress I will drop you a note.
Thanks again