Dynamically Hide/Show Pages in a report

I have a requirement to create a report that allows the Admin to select the pages of the report they want to show in a meeting. We are wanting to do this dynamically.

Say I have 15 pages and only want to show 7 is there a way from a select screen using a slicer or other method to select the pages I want and hide the others I dont.

I am stuck.

Hi @dreyes,

While waiting for the community to review and respond to your issue, take advantage of Data Mentor. It offers a wealth of tools and resources that could provide immediate solutions and enhance your report-building efficiency.


Enterprise DNA Support Team

Does anyone have a suggestion on how to make this work?

Hi @dreyes,

Using DataMentor/ENDA AI tool built in the EDNA platform can help you solve your issues/problems.

this is what comes up:
To achieve dynamic page selection in a Power BI report, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create Individual Pages: Initially, create separate pages for each section of your report.
  2. Create a Slicer: Add a slicer visual to your report page. You can utilize a list or dropdown slicer to allow the admin to select the pages they want to display.
  3. Page Navigation: Implement page navigation using bookmarks or buttons. You can link the slicer selection to these navigation elements.
  4. Show/Hide Pages Dynamically: Create bookmarks for each page and set the visibility property based on the slicer selection. This will dynamically show/hide the pages as per the admin’s selection.
  5. Testing and Refinement: Test the functionality thoroughly to ensure that the selected pages are displayed correctly.

By following these steps, you can dynamically allow the admin to select the pages they want to show in the meeting using a slicer or other interactive methods in Power BI.

There are several youtube videos that you can review.
Why Hiding Pages Make Your Power BI Reports More Application-Like - Power BI Design Tips (youtube.com)
Page Level Security workaround in Power BI (youtube.com)

I hope this helps.


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