Dynamic Time Period on Visuals (Fields, Axis, and Filters)

Hello EDNA Community!

I am looking to enhance metric result reporting by making the visuals dynamically react to selected time period groups & specific slicer selections. I have made headway on my objectives, but am currently stuck on getting to 100%.

Attached is a file that illistrates my objectives & progress. Also adding details below. Appreciate an suggestions!


Data Model:

dim_DateFWeek - Date table that allows me to show my 4 Fiscal period groupings. There are two columns I use for visuals, one shows the “standard” value (FW01 2024) and another shows “Filter” value that shows the standard value or the text “Current” / “Prior” when it is applicable.

fact_AdjustmentRate - Fact table showing my results over time

param_FiscalFilter - Parameter to switch between Fiscal Periods for Filters use

param_FiscalStandard - Parameter to switch between Fiscal Periods for Standard use


  1. Dynamically switch time periods being shown in visuals using the “Standard” values.
  2. Dynamically switch slicers using the “Filter” values.
  3. Slicer value defaults to the 1st value in DESCENDING order
  4. Line graph always shows a maximum of 6 periods in the X-Axis
  5. The periods shows are the slicer value & the next 5 periods in descending order (i.e Slicer = W06, visual will show W06, W05, W04, W03, W02, W01)


I am currently achieving objectives 1 & 2 through the parameter & visual set up.

Objective 3 is done through a calculated column creating a reverse offset - I am open to improvements on this method.

I am stumped on Objectives 4 & 5

EDNA Forum - Dynamic Time Period Filters.pbix (176.8 KB)