Dynamic Segmentation or Calculated Column


I am looking for some guidance on how to solve a particular segmentation issue. I segmented product forecasting results into 3 different buckets which are based on 3 specific criteria. The three buckets or segments are “Critical”, “Very Important” and “Important”. I performed all calculations using measures and branch measures. The underlying table is at a Product/Customer grain however the segmentation is done at a Product grain.

I would like the ability to use a slicer to get at these different segments individually so that I can pull back a subset of data for further review. What would be the best approach to do this? Is it possible to use the current fact table and create a calculated column that points at the “Focus Filter” measure and drops in the segment for that given product regardless of date & customer? I have seen another technique of using dynamic segmentation with a disconnected table but not sure how to apply that here.

Any help would be appreciated. Enclosing PBI, use tab “Segmentation Example”.

PBI 3Month Moving Avg Testing.pbix (128.3 KB)


Bumping this post for more visibility.

Hi @jcantillo11

For Segmentation best approach is to use separate Disconnected Segmentation table capturing the buckets.

Then in main Fact table, either create a Calculated Column or use measure to do the analysis. There are multiple Blogs/tutorial available in Enterprise DNA forums that covers Segmentation. Few below. Please explore them.

Ankit J

Thank you so much for the very detailed answer @ankit :slight_smile:

Hello @jcantillo11, if the inquiry was answered kindly mark the response that you think best helped you. Thank you so much.

Hi @jcantillo11, we’ve noticed that no response has been received from you since October 11.

We just want to check if you still need further help with this post? In case there won’t be any activity on it in the next few days, we’ll be tagging this post as Solved.

Hi @ankit ,

I watched the videos however still not able to figure out how to make it happen. The segmentation I am using in the measure “Focus Filter” is based on 3 different criteria all using different techniques and measures which makes it difficult to replicate via the disconnected segmentation. Technically I can drop the Focus Filter measure into the product dimension table and use that to slice the data. However my goal is to understand how to be able to make that happen by using the other techniques mentioned in the video. Not sure how to make that work any other help would be appreciated.


HI @jcantillo11, while waiting for other members to jump in, I suggest using the forum search to discover if your query has been asked before by another member. Thanks!

Hi @jcantillo11 - Looking at the scenario I think what you are trying is totally good. If want to try using Disjoint table. You can try something like below.

  1. Create a separate Disjoint table like below.

  1. Create a measure to get the required Segmentation based on this table and dynamic measures that are created.

    Focus_Filter_New =
    VAR Focus_Filter =
    MAX ( Focus[Final] ),
    FILTER (
    [Fcst Acc Last3Month Trend] = Focus[Fcst Acc]
    && ABS ( [Fcst Bias Last3Month Trend] ) = Focus[Fcst Bias]
    && ( [Abs Error Cumulative Total %] >= Focus[Abs Error min]
    && [Abs Error Cumulative Total %] <= Focus[Abs Error Max] )
    IF (
    ISBLANK ( [Abs Error Cumulative Total %] ),
    BLANK (),
    IF ( ISBLANK ( Focus_Filter ), “Ignore”, Focus_Filter )

This shall give same result as what you are trying. Attached the Solution.

PBI 3Month Moving Avg Testing_Ankit.pbix (131.7 KB)

Ankit J

Thanks for the response @ankit, this makes alot of sense! I must admit, it takes a little bit of creativity to work with DAX.

