July 21, 2023, 11:34am
Hi @sgrady .
Your sample contains only a native Power BI gauge visual (and slicers) and no Deneb visual at all. If you still have issues after creating your Deneb visual please taks a screenshot of your work-in-progress and mark-it-up with your expected outcome (and, of course, attach you work-in-progress PBIX).
Additional insights into gauge visuals using Deneb may be found in some existing threads in the Deneb Showcase of the eDNA forum:
I was a bit rushed yesterday when I posted the initial linear gauge Deneb/Vega-Lite template, and didn’t include one of the new features that is slated to be available in the upcoming Deneb version 1.3 release, namely the direct access to the colours in the current color theme of the Power BI report.
I’ve modified my original linear gauge Deneb/Vega-Lite code to conform to the 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th colours of the current Power BI theme.
Here’s an example of the colo…
A thermometer visual is often used to display temperature or to showcase progress. The native visuals in Power BI can be used, but have some formatting limitations and may require multiple precisely-sized visuals layered on top of one-another (AFAIK … I’d be happy to be proven wrong). Another option is to use the automatic application of axes inherent in Vega-Lite to ease (or eliminate) the layout burden, and I enclose a Deneb/Vega-Lite template for such a temperature gauge.
One of the great things about Deneb and Vega-Lite is how quickly you can customize existing visuals to suit your specific requirements. I had an idea this morning when thinking about a semi-circular gauge I’m seeing more-and-more frequently in media these days, and I wanted to see how easily it might be to customize an existing Deneb template to create such a Radial Gauge (I doubt this is the correct name, merely the one I gave it, but seeing as this is only a Deneb/Vega-Lite demonstration anywa…
Hope this helps.