Dynamic Date Slicer - Updating X-Axis

Hi awesome community, hope you guys are okay. How can I have a dynamic date slicer which updates x-axis similar to this link? As you can see, the x-axis were dynamically updating when selecting a slicer i.e… year, month, etc. Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

ezgif.com-gif-maker (1)

CTTO: https://www.novypro.com/project/call-center-analysis-1

It looks like he’s using field parameters. It’s a rather new feature to Power BI. Here’s a good video to go off of:

If this doesn’t quite do what you’re looking for, let me know and I can dig deeper.

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Thanks for taking the time on this @Zherkezhi, thought it was as well but it wasn’t. The origin of the report was contacted me few days ago and said that it was a hierarchical dates on the x-axis. It is quite easy to use having the drilldown feature but having a slicer is the one that I am trying to do. :slight_smile:

Hi @ronald_balza - Can refer to the below Video tutorial. It is making use of Separate table to create Dynamic Date slicer.

I have made slight changes to their code to show values based on the slicers like for Month it will show “Month and Year” etc.

Dynamic Date Axis.pbix (6.2 MB)

Ankit J

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Thanks for taking the time on this @ankit. Although, it is not the exact thing that what is on the link I’ve shared, I appreciate your time and effort on this. :slight_smile: