Dynamic Data Source Error in Power BI Service - function call in additional column

Hi All

In Power Query I wrote a simple function that calls a web API to get the local time for a country.


I then use function in a table of countries to get all the times for different countries. I call the function while adding a column with one of the fields in the column as a parameter - CountryCall is the field and CountryTimeFnx is the function.


This works great in Power BI Desktop. However, when I publish this to Power BI Service, I get the error:

“This dataset includes a dynamic data source. Since dynamic data sources aren’t refreshed in the Power BI service, this dataset won’t be refreshed.”

Is there a workaround to be able to refresh the dynamic data source in Power BI Service?


Time.pbix (11.8 KB)

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Hi @Drikus,
Thank you very much for posting your question in the forum.
See if the following post helps you solve your problem.

I was going to try it with the attached pbix but after downloading it I saw that it has no data loaded.

All the best.

Hi @jafernandezpuga

I had a look at Chris Webb’s blog from the link you’ve sent and tried it. However in the blog, query parameters are used. The initial API I called “World Time API” (http://worldtimeapi.org/) does not use query parameters and so this strategy doesn’t work.

I found a different API “Time API” (https://www.timeapi.io/) that does use query parameters and tried that out with the techniques used in Chris’ blog. That did the trick and it now allows refreshes when published to Power BI Service.

For reference I’ll link the updated pbix here, if anyone needs that as a solution to similar issues.

Time.pbix (44.1 KB)

Thanks for your help in this.


Use RelativePath when using Web.Contents to avoid that issue.

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