Hey, beautiful people!
How can I create a dropdown list slicer with a placeholder? For example, I have a column named Client Partner that contains partner names. How can I set up the slicer to display a Client Partner placeholder?
Hey, beautiful people!
How can I create a dropdown list slicer with a placeholder? For example, I have a column named Client Partner that contains partner names. How can I set up the slicer to display a Client Partner placeholder?
Hi @ronald_balza - Don’t think Power BI support putting placeholder as part of the Slicer dropdown/list.
You need to make use of Slicer Header/Title only in Slicer visual or put a Text/Card Visual on top of Slicer.
Ankit J
Thanks for the response, appreciate it @ankit. While it is true that it is still not supporting on the current version, there is a scratch-heading workaround that has been posted on PBI forum Dropdown list slicer. Appreciate your advice though
Hi @ronald_balza - That is not primarily a placeholder as it will show mainly for the first time.
Once user open the report and select some other value in the slicer. Next time when user will open the report, the last selected value will show and not this.
Anyways if it serves your purpose, then do use it.
Ankit J