Drill through issue

I’m having this issue whereby, I have 3 tables with relationship like this :

The issue is, I create a chart from the 2nd child table (ORDERLOG) by using one of the field (Reason) as category, then I created another page for the Drilltrough and put that field as the drillthrough key.

On this Drillthrough page, I have all these 3 tables.

  1. The lookup table (ORDERS), and added the field from ORDERLOG (Reason).
  2. The ORDERLOG table it self
  3. The 1st child table which is DETAIL.
    All is table visual.

As this page is for drillthrough from 1st page, once I’m in the chart, with grouping of field Reason, I want to Drill through to the 2nd page, and expected all 3 tables with the related OrderID.

While obviously the table visual no 2 is always correct, it will be filtered based on its chosen Reason, and table visual no 1 also “correct” since I put the field from ORDERLOG so it is inner join. Visual no 3 is showing whole record, it is not filtered.

What I understand is because the relationship, ORDERLOG cannot get through DETAIL, and although ORDERS looks like “filtered”, it is actually not, it is only the innerjoin display but not the table it self, so ORDERS cannot filtered its other child.

How to resolve this ? I understand if I put Both in the relationship direction from ORDERLOG to ORDERS will solve the problem, but I can’t do that. The 3 tables actually just a portion of my whole report which has other tables, so I cannot mess up others.

So the point here is, because there is filtered on 2nd child table, I also want the 1st child table filtered in the its table visual.

Any workaround on this ? Attached is the sample of my PBIX.

SampleDrilltrhough_Issue.pbix (113.6 KB)

Many thanks in advance.

Hi @Toni

Create measure LogOrders as shown below and place this measure in Detail table visual level filter.

SampleDrilltrhough_Issue.pbix (112.1 KB)

I hope this is helpful.

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Hi Rajesh,

Yes, It works.