Drill through - Exclude filters when drilling to other page

Good morning :slight_smile:

I have a question regarding the drill through functionality.

This bar chart is filtered by Product Category = Business.

Then I drill through to page 2 on one of the bars.

Is it possible to exclude Product Category = Business on page 2 after drilling, so I can basically see all Product Categories?

Example file: Drill Through - Exclude Filter.pbix (1.3 MB)

Thanks a lot!

Hello @Reporting,

Thank You for posting your query onto the Forum.

Drill-through shows the chunck of the data points of a particular category or set of categories based on the temporary filters applied, if any, onto a source page. That is, temporary filters which are applied in the form of slicers are carried forward to drill-through as well. In your case, you’ve applied a fixed filter under the FILTER PANE as a condition where “Product Category = Business”. So by default, onto a drill-through page, it’ll always show the results for Business only.

If you want drill-through page to showcase all the categories except “Business” then you need to apply the filter in the form of slicers. Below are the steps provided to achieve the results -

1). Remove “Product Category” field from the Filter Pane and convert it in the form of slicers. So now, if you select “Business” as a option, you’ll still see the same results onto the first page as you were
seeing it previously.

2). On the second page, add all the required fields under the drill-through section.

3). Disable the option of “Keep all filters” under the drill-through page. That’s because, by doing so, the filters which’re applied in the form of slicers will not be carry-forwarded to the drill-through page.

4). So now, when you right-click and apply a drill-through, you’ll see results for all the Product Categories including “Business”. But since we want to evaluate the results for all the categories except Business. Here’s the final step.

5). Now apply a fixed filter i.e., under the FILTER PANE of the drill-through page select all the categories except Business.

And now, when you apply the drill-through, you’ll see all the results except Business as a category.

I’m also attaching the working of the PBIX file for the reference purposes.

Hoping you find this useful and meets your requirements that you’ve been looking for.

Thanks and Warm Regards,

Drill Through - Exclude Filter.pbix (1.3 MB)


Thank you very much @Harsh !