Disconnected table and containsstring

Hi all,

I’ve been trying to figure this out for some time now, and after scanning the internet I cant seem to find anyone with a similar problem. I have tried to incorporate some of the measures I have found online but with no success.

The problem;
I have a list of projects and project-IDs that are classified into various categories (table: Projects). For simplicity-sake I have narrowed it down to three categories; Health, Observational and Other. Each project must at least have one classification, but can be classified into 1, 2 or 3 categories, e.g. Health and Other.

I figured I should make a disconnected table, so I have done that (Categories in pbix-file) which only contains one coloumn consisting of the three different categories.

Then I made three measures, that “should” calculate the number of projects that conains the words; Health, Observational or Other (Measures; No. of Health-projects, No. of Observational-projects and No. of Other-projects in pbix-file). I used the following DAX for that:

No. of Health-projects = 
            Projects[Project ID] )

The reason I put in “Projects[Project ID]” in this formula is that the SELECTCOLUMNS requires at least two coloumns. Maybe this is a reason for why this fails?

Next I made a measure to see If my disconnected table were set up correctly using this;

Test to see if showing = 
    VALUES ( Categories[Categories] )
VAR y =
    MAX ( Projects[Category] )
VAR filtered =
    FILTER ( x, CONTAINSSTRING ( y, Categories[Categories] ) )
    IF ( COUNTROWS ( filtered ) > 0, "Yes", "No" )

And it does (see matrix in PBIX-file)!

To calculate the number of projects that contains each of the three categories, I adopted a DAX-formula by G.Deckler and tried to adopt it to fit my problem;

Visual = 
        	"Health",[No. of Health-projects],
        	"Observational", [No. of Observational-projects],
            "Other", [No. of Other-projects]

This is where I get stuck. I cant get the measure to work in my visual. I want to be able to show this as graph with the three categories from the disconnected table onthe x-axis and the number for the corresponding categories onthe y-axis. I also want to be able to display this in a matrix (if possible). Graph will be somthing along the lines of this:


I have attached the pbix-file and Excel-file so that you can see the data-set and the measures I have used to try to solve this.
Projects.xlsx (8.9 KB)
Projects.pbix (29.7 KB)


I think I figured it out. It seems that if I modified my Visual-measure to this it works:

Visual = 

        	"Health",[No. of Health-projects],
        	"Observational", [No. of Observational-projects],
            "Other", [No. of Other-projects]


good that you figured it out.

Please mark your solution is solved.


Hi @Magn ,

Great to hear that you’ve figured it out! Your modified measure looks good and should work for the visualization you described. Here’s a another version of your Visual measure:

DAXCopy codeVisual =     SWITCH(        VALUES(Categories[Categories]),        "Health", [No. of Health-projects],        "Observational", [No. of Observational-projects],        "Other", [No. of Other-projects]    )

This measure will dynamically return the count of projects for the selected category, which should work well in both charts and matrices.

If you’re still encountering issues or need further assistance, I recommend running your query on the DNA Data Mentor site for more options and expert guidance.


Enterprise DNA Support Team