Deployed report in app

when I deploy the report into app I see white gaps on both left and right side of the app as white spaces where I marked with black lines. See screenshot below. Any suggestions?
Thank you

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@arkiboys can you please send the full screenshot? I’d like to see the Page pane. Thanks

Please share the pbix

unable to do that as it is big file and I am still learning. apologies

@arkiboys I’m not asking for PBIX. The screenshot that you shared is not visible properly so could you please send the full screenshot from left to right?


  1. Open you report in PBI Desktop
  2. Click on the VIEW menu
  3. Click on ‘Fit to page’ option (like below)
  4. Save and publish your report.

Let me know if that works for you. Thanks

yes, the report is already set to fit to page but I get that issue still

@arkiboys Okay, make sure your page size is by default 16:9 ratio.
You can also try with ‘Fit to width’

Let me know if that works for you. Thanks

where do I find the ratio?

@arkiboys Here

and yes, the type is set as follows:

still not sure what is causing the gaps on each side of the report as shown above earlier.

@arkiboys Unfortunately, without looking at the PBIX I can’t help you with the size issue that you are facing.
Can you create a dummy file and share it here? Thanks

Even in power BI service you can adjust the page size.

will come back to you soon.
thank you both

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