Deneb - use of parameters

Hello everybody,

I created the parameter using the Power BI theme color, as below:


But when I try to use the expression below, it doesn’t work


If I replace the parameter with a Hexadecimal color, it works perfectly, but I would like to use the parameter, does this possibility exist?

Hi @domingo42. My understanding is that the Deneb-specific pbiColor syntax is only available when used directly within an expression. For more details, see the Deneb documentation:

Hope this helps.

Hello @domingo42

Did the response from @Greg (thank you) help solve your query?

If not, can you let us know where you’re stuck and what additional assistance you need?

If it did, please mark the answer as the SOLUTION by clicking the three dots beside Reply and then tick the check box beside SOLUTION

Thank you

Thank you for the quick response, the documentation does not really mention this possibility.

hi @jeanrose87 Thanks for the feedback, I just put Greg’s answer as a solution.