Deneb tooltip stopped working


I noticed that the tooltips on all my charts stopped working yesterday. Have there been any changes in the settings that could be causing this issue?

I would appreciate your assistance.

Deneb Examples - OHLC Chart.pbix (1.6 MB)

Thank you.

I opened your file and saw the same thing you’re describing. The tooltips aren’t rendering.

I unchecked the box in the settings under Vega > Power BI Interactivity and your tooltips do appear:

Oh, Thankyou so much.

You made my day

I wish I could say the same. I’m wondering now if I’ve got reports with the same problem.

and to answer your other question, yes, there was a recent denb update.

A fix is coming that works around the issue. It has been approved for certification by MS and pending deployment, so should be with you as soon as it takes MS to go through the deployment process.

If you need a working version in the meantime, you can download the standalone version, as detailed in this issue in Deneb’s GitHub repository.

For anyone who is experiencing issues, please check/report them in Deneb’s GitHub repository, as detailed on the support page.