Deneb Regression Analysis with Confidence Intervals

Hi @geehaf53.

Again, posting to a solved thread is discouraged on this forum … please start a new thread for all new questions. I’ve taken the liberty of creating this new thread for your issue; the original statements from your 2 posts to the solved thread were:

Hi Greg, This post has really helped me with my Power BI work so big thanks for that. I was wondering if you’ve had any experience plotting the Confidence Interval (CI) for a Regression line using Vega-lite? I see in the documentation there is a mark type of “errorband”, with extent “ci” but I cannot get it to plot the CI for the regression points themselves. Any help much appreciated.


The blue marks are my actual data and the red regression curve is working as expected. I’ve also added the green marks which represent the same regression curve but plotted as points only. I’m trying to achieve two additional curves which represent the upper and lower confidence values of the green (and therefore the red curve) regression points. I hope this makes sense.


The existing solved thread to which you referred was:

The example file you posted was:
regression_example.pbix (1.5 MB)

Can you please mock-up a screenshot of your desired outcome?


Hi Greg - Apologies for not starting a new thread. The mock-up image provided in the attached pbix file shows 2 additional curves (blue) which represent the upper and lower confidence intervals for each of the regression points for the red curve (these points are shown as the green marks). I hope this helps.
regression_example.pbix (1.6 MB)

Hi @geehaf53

OK, I’ve not used the “errorband” mark before so have no experience, but after taking a quick look, it seems as its’ intent is to be applied to aggregated raw data, not the results of a regression operation.

While I did try the code from the example on the Vega-Lite website ( in your example, my limited understanding of the use of anything more than basic statistics in Vega-Lite may be hindering me, and in any event, I was not able to come up with anything useful.

I’ll keep my eyes open and if I come across anything that might help, I’ll make another post on this thread.


Hi Greg - Thanks for taking a look, appreciate it.

