Hi @Deston. I’ve taken a quick look, and suspect that it the mixed data types in a single column (e.g., in your hard-coded data, you have [Usage CY] and [Production CY] as text [“”] in an otherwise numeric field, etc.).
My guess would be that it would also be very beneficial to shape your data as a full transactional source with discrete records in an Excel file; once imported into the Power BI model, then data shaping via Power Query may help. As it is with most Deneb visuals I’ve worked with, if you use the data shaping capabilities inside Power BI first, and then only use those in Vega-Lite as necessary. See if you can create a standard Power BI table of the records exactly as you’d like to see them before proceeding to Deneb/Vega-Lite.
With respect to your text colour question, once the data is revised, perhaps adding a “color” block to the encoding for the text labels might help, something like:
Thank you for the feedback! Small oversight on my end with regards to the mix of data types. This report is actually a masked abstraction of a solution built using proper ingestion / transformation / data modelling. I recreated the report using mock data in CSV, which I converted to JSON but the conversion stamped those text marks in the ‘future months’…
I’ve correct this in the updated pbix file.
Thank you for the suggestion; however I’ve applied this in encoding block, but am still getting the same results:
Hi @Deston. I still don’t see a way forward for you continuing with in-visual data.
If you could load an Excel (or CSV or whatever) file of the data to a PBIX file such that a standard Power BI table could be created, then re-work the Deneb visual to use this new data, that might help.
I have a number of commitments over the next few days, but will extract the data myself and will post to this thread anything useful that I come up with.
If so, you will need to add a filter transform to the layers that require the data filtering out. From the looks of things, you just want to keep everything whenever the value for Usage CY is not null: