Deneb - Aligning the Volume Inside Gauge with Category

I have a question related to gauge creation in Power BI using Deneb.
The gauge has been created as attached.
I need to align the number in the category with the volume inside the gauge.
As you can see in the picture above, 70% in the category is not aligned with 70% in the volume inside the gauge.
How to fix this one?
Should I edit in these lines?
Or formula in “fill” color?
eDNA Forum - Deneb Radial Gauge Range Labels EDITED.pbix (1.7 MB)

Thank You,

Bumping this post for more visibility from our experts and users.

Hi @yusufkurniaromadhon.

Thanks for making the new thread and attaching your work-in-progress PBIX.
Unfortunately, your issue is still not clear. If you’d like further assistance, please create a marked-up screenshot of the visual showing your desired outcome.

Hi @Greg

This is the desired outcome that I want.

I want the value in red color match with the background scale that I created.
But as you can see in the screenshot, to have 70% in the background, I have to guess manually in “calculate” that 70 = 35.25.

If you can help with the formula, it could be great.

Thank You,

Just woke up, so maybe I’m missing something, but still not clear: this is a different colour theme than before, and what is “35.25”?

eDNA Forum - Deneb Radial Gauge Range Labels EDITED.pbix (1.7 MB)

Hi Greg,
This is my latest file.
If you see in the scale, “35.25” is the same value as 70%.

-90 = 0%
0 = 50%
35.25 = 70%
62.25 = 85%
77 = 93%
90 = 100%

HI @yusufkurniaromadhon. OK, I took another look at your file and it remains unclear what you’re looking to achieve; the numbers you list look like they are already calculated:

We’re spinning-out-wheels here trying to describe what the issue is. So, to move forward, perhaps create a series of marked-up screenshots of the Deneb visual, noting in each case exactly what you’d like changed; you can also use PowerPoint or Excel if that’s easier.

I have commitments for the rest of the day, but will take another look tomorrow if there’s any update.

@yusufkurniaromadhon, Is this what you’re looking for?

180 degrees
210 degrees
240 degrees

I just made the following changes to your transformations. Note that the calculation for _arc_total_radians did not change, but I had to place it before the modified calculations so that they could refer to it.

      "calculate": "datum['_arc_end_radians'] - datum['_arc_start_radians']",
      "as": "_arc_total_radians"
      "calculate": "datum['_arc_start_radians'] + ( datum['_arc_total_radians'] * 0.7)",
      "as": "_arc_end_radians_1"
      "calculate": "datum['_arc_start_radians'] + ( datum['_arc_total_radians'] * 0.85)",
      "as": "_arc_end_radians_2"
      "calculate": "datum['_arc_start_radians'] + ( datum['_arc_total_radians'] * 0.93)",
      "as": "_arc_end_radians_3"
      "calculate": "datum['_arc_start_radians'] + datum['_arc_total_radians']",
      "as": "_arc_end_radians_4"

eDNA Forum - Deneb Radial Gauge Range Labels EDITED.pbix (1.7 MB)

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Hi @DaveC
Yes, this is what I’m looking for :smile:

Hi @Greg
The issue has been solved by Dave.

Thanks All :smile:
