Decimal Lost in Power BI ( Rounded Issue )

Hello Teachers and Experts

I encountered the issue of decimal lost in Unit Price when I imported Excel into Power BI file.
2016.xlsx (1.7 MB)

Let me attach into it. Some of the Unit Price have decimal number in Excel and when it is imported into Power BI, it become rounded. I tried to change the regional setting but it didn’t work.

Would you kindly get me a suggestion on how to solve it.

Thank you.

When power query first loads the data it makes an assumption about what it is looking at. So if the first few rows of a column are whole numbers PQ will make that assumption for the whole column.

It is always important to check the data types on initial load to make sure you get the desired results. To check the datatypes on load go into PQ and right mouse button on a column, then click on change type. In your case you needed decimal number.

Attached file shows what I did

2016.xlsx (3.4 MB)

Hope all good


Thank you. Right it is about assumption when Power Query first loads…

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.