December Sales do not tally


I uploaded December 2022 Sales File. But Total Sales does not tally.
Refer attached pbx file Sheet M-14 Michelin Sales is AED 6.1 Mn. where as Dec. Excel file uploaded has Michelin Sale AED 7.8 Mn. If you Filter Michelin Division and Column Net Sales.

Need to understand the Excel file uploaded for Power Bi does not tally with the output in Power Bi. The file in Excel shows different no. and the file in Power Bi shows different no. The difference is at customer level for example For December 2022 , for Item Code CTM 428228 , Customer Code 10004410 has the sale value of AED 89,700, But same is not reflected in Power Bi. But it is available on Excel file uploaded for Dec’22. Not able to understand why this mismatch.

All other months tally. Not able to understand the reason for difference.

File link shared.



Hi @Rohit1,
Thank you very much for posting your question in the forum.
I think the problem is in the Dates Query function that generates the dates table because it is not generating the last day of the year 2022. I have modified it so that it generates correctly by adding 1 to DayCount.

DayCount = Duration.Days(Duration.From(EndDate - StartDate)) + 1,


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Thanks a lot. It worked out perfectly well.



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