Now i have to show these hours but accordingly to their admission date. Which means it only counts from their admission date.
I thought i could add to the filter line something like this:
yes but i did understand what you meant and i’ve add it.
The problem is that it expects an expression and i can’t write a column or a measure like you have after the “>=” sign
Great then!
If you have the old file you’ll be able to help me but let me say first, the measure for T Hr Due, is the one above on my first measure. You just have to change it, please.
Can you now please try to add that filter that you’ve mentioned? The column is data_admissao and the table is Tab Business Leader.
You mentioned that after the >= there was an issue. Also try to add the table in front of the measure:
So ‘Measures Employees’[Measure] instead of [Measure]