I am calculating a column using the above-mentioned logic in DAX:
Last 24 hr Raw =
FILTER(‘Fact Table’ , ‘Fact Table’[EpochHH] >= EARLIER( ‘Fact Table’[EpochHH] ) - 47 && ‘Fact Table’[EpochHH] <= EARLIER( ‘Fact Table’[EpochHH] ) ), ‘Fact Table’[30 Mins Raw ])
I want to convert the above DAX formula into power query language. I am not sure is there any alternate for earlier and sumx functions in the query language. Could anyone help me in converting above formula into query language?
Had to do some testing to speed this up, so I hope performance is acceptable when scheduled in the Service. If not and you can’t retrieve this value from the source, you’re back to a calculated column…
Here’s what I’ve done. Set up.
// Sort EpochHH Ascending AND buffer the 30 Mins Raw list into memory
Buffered30mRaw = List.Buffer(Table.Sort( ChType[[EpochHH], [#"30 Mins Raw"]],{{"EpochHH", Order.Ascending}})[#"30 Mins Raw"]),
// Get the first value from the EpochHH column
FirstNum = List.Min( List.Buffer(ChType[EpochHH])),
A list is an ordered sequence of values using that property we can now leverage the EpochHH from the current row to retrieve values from the Buffered30mRaw list.
Add24HRaw = Table.AddColumn( ChType, "Last 24 hr Raw", each
List.Skip( Buffered30mRaw, ([EpochHH] - FirstNum - 47) ),
otherwise null,
type number
Note the supplied source file didn’t match the columns in the query.
Here’s a sample PBIX with new source CSV. Table 2.csv (9.0 MB) EpochHH.pbix (1.8 MB)
@Melissa, Sorry to bother you again. I changed the Table reference to “Cahnged Type 6”. Now the error is gone. However, the new calculated column has all null values
Did you also change that Table reference in the other steps you’ve copied to #“Changed Type6” ?
And do the data types for each column in the sample match you production file?
This, highlighted in red, doesn’t look good to me - its a text value because there is no # in front but does have quotes. Like mentioned in my previous response this should be #“Changed Type5” as well