Open Jobs ( Calculates all the jobs that are open)
Open Jobs 5 days old (Calculates all the jobs that have been open for 5 or more days)
Issue: When I use the Open Jobs 5 days old against the user context to see how many of these each user have, I get an error like before. I looked up online and can’t seem to find a way around. Is there a correct way of doing this?
To utilize time intelligence functions like DATEADD it’s better to use the date table. I see that you have one in your model. The ‘TimeSheet’[Date entered] column has gaps and duplicates in it so I guess the DATEADD -5 days is getting confused. To get the amount of open tickets that are X days open I use a calculated column myself. I have made one in your scenario and you can find it in the PBIX-file I have added. There may be cleaner ways (with a measure instead of a calculated column ) but this is how I do it.
Open jobs 5 plus days =
VAR entered = Sheet[Date Entered]
VAR openjobs = [Open Jobs]
VAR dur =
COUNT ( Dates[Date] );
ALL ( Dates );
DATESBETWEEN ( Dates[Date]; entered; TODAY () )
IF ( dur >= 5; openjobs )
Thank you so much for that. Yes, this will certainly help and it is clever how you have calculated this
Yep, would be keen to see if there are any other ways using measure.