Good evening, I am pretty new to using DAX formulas, so therefore this question:
Is it possible to calculate an average, based upon filtering of 2 related tables ? **)
Or better find other ways to do this ?
Can I somewhere calculate an average defects per day, based upon predefined fixed 8 months in the past **), by a code like this AverageX (Total Quantities x Total Defects, both filtered by DateT [Year&Month] > = StaticFCPeriod [EndYearMonth] and DateT [Year&Month] < = StaticFCPeriod [EndYearMonth]
The StaticFCPeriod table gives a starting and ending period per month, for the static 8 months average.
See also attached PBIX, thanks in advance for any guidance and or code.
SPC File DS.pbix (121.1 KB)
**) This question came up by me trying to resolve a problem on the forum from today “Month Fixed Mean Period”, which is already solved by Melissa.