Good day team,
please can you help me with a dax, i think it will use a Variable but not sure.
what i am trying to achieve is to calculate sales for certain customers and certain products:
customers :
Mastering DAX.pbix (428.9 KB)
Good day team,
please can you help me with a dax, i think it will use a Variable but not sure.
what i am trying to achieve is to calculate sales for certain customers and certain products:
customers :
Mastering DAX.pbix (428.9 KB)
as with so many other issues, the answer is ‘it depends’
if your actual model is as simple as: first 10 items on the customer table, and first 7 on the products table, you could go with something like this:
Trial Measure 1 =
CALCULATE( [Total Sales],
FILTER( Customer, Customer[Customer Index] >= 1 && Customer[Customer Index] <= 10 ),
FILTER( Products, Products[Index] >= 1 && Products[Index] <= 7))
if your products are scattered around your tables, then I recommend a filter like this:
Trial Measure 2 =
CALCULATE( [Total Sales],
Customer[Customer Index] IN {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10},
Products[Index] IN {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7})
and finally, the option that I would recommend if you were using this logic a LOT in your report, is to add a simple True/False column to your customer and product tables, to use as filters:
Trial Measure 3 =
CALCULATE( [Total Sales],
Customer[Customer Filter] = TRUE(),
Products[Product Filter] = TRUE() )
solution file is attached:
eDNA Solution - Mastering DAX.pbix (432.3 KB)
Thanks so much @Heather this worked perfectly. Based on model, trial measure 2 worked the best!
I thought the 2nd might be the most flexible option
glad to know this was solved, thank you!