Date transformation

Dear Colleagues,

In the excel table I have imported in powerBI, I have 2 columns in my transformation view - Month (Oct) and Year (2022). However, they both are either text or numbers. I would like to create a custom column using query editor/transformation steps which should show the date in date format as 31.10.2022 - so basically the last date of the month and year combination.

Can you please guide me what steps should I follow to achieve this?

Thank you in advance,

Hi @a_nimish,

Give something like this a go:
Note you can copy the full code into a New Blank query.

    Source = Table.FromColumns(
        },  type table [Month = text, Year = Int64.Type]
    EOM = Table.AddColumn( Source, "Custom", each 
            Date.FromText( [Month] & Number.ToText([Year]) )

It returns this result.


I hope this is helpful.