Date Slicer blanks out table

Hi All,

I am sure there is a simple answer, but I am not sure why my date slicer isn’t working.

The data has a number of test results for each batch, and I want to pull the most recent test result.

When I add a date slicer, the data disappears, I have checked the formats between the DimDate and Fact table and they seem to be the the same.

For example when using the slicer to chose range between dates 28/01/2022 and 30/03/2022 you would see the date 30/01/2022 as the test result date, or Attribute 3 , Batch 769-745-21 or before date 29/11/2022 , the result would change to 17/11/2022 for the same line , etc.

Attached is PBIX, thanks

your file isn’t attached @Juju

Is your date table marked as a date table? Is your date field in the date table the same format as your fac tables?

Just a couple things to check

Results_Test.pbix (509.9 KB)

Thanks Keith for your reply, woops PBIX attached, yes I checked that and both seem to be date/time format! Much appreciated


  1. Disable Auto Datetime
  2. Remove the row for 1900-01-01 from date table
  3. Mark date table as a Date table
  4. Relationship between DimDate and Test_Attribute is based on the date part, but the column in Test also has time part, there are no rows in that table that appear on the midnight that’s why you get a blank.
  5. Either add a new column for just the date or use Tabular Editor to build the relationship only on the date part.

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Hello @Juju

Did the responses above help solve your query?

If not, can you let us know where you’re stuck and what additional assistance you need?

If it did, please mark the answer as the SOLUTION.

Thank you

Awesome, thanks so much!

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