Date filter to load previous month if it is the first of the new month

I load tables based on the current month thru yesterday. On the first of the month, I need to load the entire previous month because we look at data in the month thru the previous day.

Is there a way to use an if statement that says if day of the current month = 1, use Date.IsInPreviousMonth([Date]) else

= Table.SelectRows(#“Changed Type”, each
Date.IsInCurrentMonth([Date]) and [Date] < Date.From(DateTime.LocalNow()))


I feel you where so close to solving it…
See if this works for you. I used this Date table M code and named that query fxCalendar, next add a new blank query and paste in the code below.

    Source = fxCalendar(#date(2017, 1, 1), #date(2022, 12, 31), null, null, null, null),
    Today = #date(2021, 2, 1), //Date.From(DateTime.LocalNow()),
    FilterDates = Table.SelectRows( Source, each (if Date.Day(Today)=1 then Date.IsInPreviousMonth([Date]) else Date.IsInCurrentMonth([Date]) and [Date] < Today ))

I hope this is helpful.

Thanks Melissa for responding. I’ve done what you posted. I am unclear on how it will work. Do I need to refilter my tables to use this or is this some kind of global query for the report that will be used?


No it’s just so you can see the code in action… when that works you can transfer code from the FilterDates step to your query.

Today = #date(2021, 2, 1) // should get you all dates in the LM
Today = Date.From(DateTime.LocalNow()) // get’s you CM up to yesterday

I am not very familiar with M Code. . I pasted let
Source = fxCalendar(#date(2017, 1, 1), #date(2022, 12, 31), null, null, null, null),
Today = #date(2021, 2, 1), //Date.From(DateTime.LocalNow()),
FilterDates = Table.SelectRows( Source, each (if Date.Day(Today)=1 then Date.IsInPreviousMonth([Date]) else Date.IsInCurrentMonth([Date]) and [Date] < Today ))

as a step to filter on my table. I also tried just using FilterDates and get We cannot convert the value “FilterDates” to type Table.


No worries, I’ve attached a working sample for you.
eDNA - Filter Dates.pbix (117.6 KB)

So it looks like all I have to do is capture todays date as Today and it will work.

Yeah just remove this part #date(2021, 2, 1) // from the Today variable, that was just there to mimic a first of the month.

It works!! Thanks so much!

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