Data Visualization Workout 16 - Crafting Stories from Numbers

Title: Data Visualization: Crafting Stories from Numbers


Data visualization transforms complex datasets into visual narratives, making information understandable, accessible, and usable. In this workout, delve into the principles and practices of effective data visualization.


You’re a data journalist for a prominent news outlet. You’ve been given a dataset about global internet usage over the past decade, including metrics like penetration rate, average speed, and usage by demographics. Your task is to devise visual narratives that effectively communicate key insights to your readers.


By the end of this workout, you should be able to:

  • Identify suitable visualization types for various data structures and stories.

  • Understand the principles of effective and ethical data visualization.

  • Critically evaluate visualizations for clarity, accuracy, and impact.

Interactive Task:

Given the following data scenarios, identify the most appropriate type of data visualization:

Show the growth of global internet penetration over the past ten years.

Your Answer: ________________________

Compare the average internet speeds of different countries in a given year.

Your Answer: ________________________

Break down internet usage by age demographics for a specific region.

Your Answer: ________________________


What type of visualization is particularly effective in showing data distributions?

i) Line chart

ii) Pie chart

iii) Histogram

iv) Donut chart

Why is it essential to maintain a consistent scale when comparing data points in a bar chart?

i) Different scales can emphasize or diminish perceived differences, potentially misleading the viewer.

ii) Consistent scales make the visualization colorful.

iii) Different scales speed up chart rendering.

iv) Consistent scales are only necessary for line charts.

When visualizing data for a broad audience, what is a fundamental principle to adhere to?

i) Use as many colors as possible to make it attractive.

ii) Always use 3D effects to make the chart stand out.

iii) Ensure the visualization is accessible, including to those with color vision deficiencies.

iv) Always use pie charts because they’re universally understood.

Duration: 25 minutes

Difficulty: Intermediate

Period :
This workout will be released on Wednesday, September 20, 2023, and will end on Thursday, October 05, 2023. But you can always come back to any of the workouts and solve them.

Show the growth of global internet penetration over the past ten years.

Your Answer: Line Chart

Compare the average internet speeds of different countries in a given year.

Your Answer: Bar/Column Chart

Break down internet usage by age demographics for a specific region.

Your Answer: Histogram


What type of visualization is particularly effective in showing data distributions?

iii) Histogram

Why is it essential to maintain a consistent scale when comparing data points in a bar chart?

i) Different scales can emphasize or diminish perceived differences, potentially misleading the viewer.

When visualizing data for a broad audience, what is a fundamental principle to adhere to?

iii) Ensure the visualization is accessible, including to those with color vision deficiencies.

Hi @EnterpriseDNA

Here is my solution to this workout:

Interactive Task:

  1. Show the growth of global internet penetration over the past ten years
    Create a Line Chart:

  2. Compare the average internet speeds of different countries in a given year.

Create a Bar Chart:

  1. Break down internet usage by age demographics for a specific region.

a bar chart or column chart.


  1. What type of visualization is particularly effective in showing data distributions?
    iii) Histogram

  2. Why is it essential to maintain a consistent scale when comparing data points in a bar chart?
    i) Different scales can emphasize or diminish perceived differences, potentially misleading the viewer.

  3. When visualizing data for a broad audience, what is a fundamental principle to adhere to?

iii) Ensure the visualization is accessible, including to those with color vision deficiencies.

Thanks for the Workout.