Data Visualization Workout 15 - Data Visualization: Crafting Meaningful Plots

Data visualization is the art of representing data in a visual context. Grasp the basics of effective data visualization techniques and the principles behind creating insightful plots in this workout.


You’re given a series of data visualization plots, along with datasets. Your task is to match them correctly, understand the stories they tell, and suggest improvements.


By the end of this workout, you should be able to:

  1. Identify different types of data visualizations and their best use cases.

  2. Critically analyze plots for their effectiveness and clarity.

Interactive Task:

Given the following datasets and plots, match them correctly:

  1. Dataset: Monthly sales data for 5 years.

    • Plot Options:

      • i) Pie chart

      • ii) Line chart

      • iii) Scatter plot

      • iv) Bar chart

  2. Dataset: Distribution of student grades in a class.

    • Plot Options:

      • i) Histogram

      • ii) Donut chart

      • iii) Radar chart

      • iv) Heatmap

  3. Given the following plot (a hypothetical bar chart showing sales of various products), suggest one improvement to make the visualization clearer:

    • Your Suggestion: ________________________


  1. Which type of visualization is best suited for showing the relationship between two continuous variables?

    • i) Pie chart

    • ii) Scatter plot

    • iii) Bar chart

    • iv) Line chart

  2. What is a common pitfall to avoid when designing data visualizations for a broad audience?

    • i) Using too many colors.

    • ii) Making the visualization interactive.

    • iii) Using a legend.

    • iv) Keeping the design simple and clear.

Duration: 25 minutes

Difficulty: Beginner to Intermediate

This workout will be released on Tuesday, September 5, 2023, and will end on Thursday, September 28, 2023. But you can always come back to any of the workouts and solve them.

Hi @EnterpriseDNA

there is no image of the (bar chart) in Question #3

  1. Given the following plot (a hypothetical bar chart showing sales of various products), suggest one improvement to make the visualization clearer:
  • [Image: Bar Chart]
  • Your Suggestion: ________________________

Can please do an update the workout?


1 Like

@EnterpriseDNA and @SamMcKay

Please review the previous message

Hi - Thanks for the Workout. Please find my responses below.

Given the following datasets and plots, match them correctly:

  1. Dataset: Monthly sales data for 5 years.
  • Plot Options:
    • i) Pie chart
    • ii) Line chart
    • iii) Scatter plot
    • iv) Bar chart

Line Chart

  1. Dataset: Distribution of student grades in a class.
  • Plot Options:
    • i) Histogram
    • ii) Donut chart
    • iii) Radar chart
    • iv) Heatmap


  1. Given the following plot (a hypothetical bar chart showing sales of various products), suggest one improvement to make the visualization clearer:
  • [Image: Bar Chart]
  • Your Suggestion - There was no chart attached. Please Recheck.


  1. Which type of visualization is best suited for showing the relationship between two continuous variables?
  • i) Pie chart
  • ii) Scatter plot
  • iii) Bar chart
  • iv) Line chart

Scatter Plot.

  1. What is a common pitfall to avoid when designing data visualizations for a broad audience?
  • i) Using too many colors.
  • ii) Making the visualization interactive.
  • iii) Using a legend.
  • iv) Keeping the design simple and clear.

i) Using too many colors.

Ankit J

1 Like

Nice one

Will review and sort asap

1 Like

Here are my responses

Interactive task

  1. Monthly sales data for 5 years; Line chart

  2. : Distribution of student grades in a class; Histogram


  1. Scatter plot

  2. Using too many colours

Hi @EnterpriseDNA

Here is my solution to this workout:


  1. Which type of visualization is best suited for showing the relationship between two continuous variables?
  • ii) Scatter plot
  1. What is a common pitfall to avoid when designing data visualizations for a broad audience?
  • i) Using too many colors.

Interactive Task:

  1. Dataset: Monthly sales data for 5 years.
  • Plot Options:

    • ii) Line chart
  1. Dataset: Distribution of student grades in a class.
  • Plot Options:

    • i) Histogram
  1. Given the following plot (a hypothetical bar chart showing sales of various products), suggest one improvement to make the visualization clearer:

Remove the Label “Products”
Remove the label Sales (in units)
Change Title to Product Sales (units)
Apply the units on each Bar (delete the units for the axis)
Change the colour of the bar to one colour
Change the Order Product bars for Highest units to Lowest units

Thanks for workout.