Data Modelling for varying product price across time

Hello Fellow Power BI Users -

We have products for which we do price increase from time to time based on the cost.
When have to compare the sales revenue from a product(s) this year Vs last year with two different prices - How to set up the data model

Where will suggest to setup the pricing table - Lookup table or the fact table.

Following is the data model that I use to get the comparison of revenue


Please note I have kept the pricing table both in lookup (AOPSBPPriceLookup) and fact table (AOPSBPPrice)

The Power BI report looks as shown below,

Do you have any videos that can help !

Check out this detailed tutorial

It walks through the exact technique to use for this. There’s a little bit to do with the model setup and then using the appropriate DAX formulas.


Thanks Sam.

Will write to you if I have any further questions.