Data Model for Consolidated Households vs. Non Consolidated Individual Accounts?

Hi everyone,

Could really use some help in setting up one of my first complex data models. I have examples for illustrative detail. Essentially I need to consolidate information from our donor database CRM in ‘households’ and be able to roll up that information to total $ amounts as a unit at the same level as non-consolidated or complex models. Our database allows us to have contacts as one entity with unique CON # and organizations as a separate entity with unique ORG #.

I have a file where I would like to consolidate household accounts that combine CON # and ORG #s and I need to roll up those totals.

e.g. “Smith Family” is the consolidated household Group Identifier and includes:
CON 123 Bob Smith
CON 456 Janet Smith
ORG 123 Bob’s Company
ORG 456 Janet’s Company

I have a table with all of the unique CON #s and a table with all the unique ORG #s. Then I have a “consolidated table” structured with all the CON#s and ORG #s that make up a household.

What is the best way to model the data in order to have consolidated households roll up $ information at the same level as non consolidated households?

Hi @dcads. Could you please share a small Excel file with some sample data? Thanks, Greg

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Hi @dcads

As Greg mentioned, please share sample data or PBIX file for further help. It is difficult to provide suggestions based on the information provided.

Ankit J

I agree with the above comments. It’s difficult to provide much assistance without seeing a demo model and more images around the scenario.


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