I have Date dim , Users dim and Sales fact. I need to summarize sales by users and show only
active users . I got slicer by dates
But when I filter only active users that change’s also data from previous month ,so I need
show data for user that been active in slicer selected dates .
In user dim I have start day and end day ( active user have today date ; inactive the date of modification)
Then created the two simple measures one for Sales and one for Sales only for Active Users
Sales =
Sales for Active Users =
Users[status] = “Active”))
Attaching the PBIX file and source files for your review. I extracted the source files from your model as I had to transform it in Power Query. temp.pbix (589.0 KB) DW Fact_Transactions.csv (1.7 MB) DW v2_dim_users.csv (41.5 KB)
Hi @levitandaniel1977, did the response provided by the experts help you solve your query? If not, how far did you get and what kind of help you need further? If yes, kindly mark the thread as solved. Thanks!
I changed the measure to dynamically show the sales only when the Agent was active:
Sales for Active Users Only =
VAR InactiveDate =
MAX( Users[end_date] )
‘Dim Dates’,
‘Dim Dates’[Date] < InactiveDate
Now if we look at Agent 836, he started on 8/16/2020 but his first sale was on 9/1/2020. When you filter by Date, it will start showing the Agent Sales from the date when he first made his sale. The sale is shown for 836 when the date Range is selected from 9/1/2020.