Daily export of metrics from a Power BI model to Excel (Historízation)

Dear eDNA-Community,

I need to export metrics which are a mix of dimensions and theis corresponding measures on a daily basis to offer the ability to show these KPI changes over time.

Output example:


|Plant|Team|Date|Metric 1|Metric 2|

Ideally, the Export is appending the new lines to the same Excel on a Onedrive.
Alternatively always create a new file into a onedrive folder

This data shall then be reimported into power bi and show the Measure value history by thos basic dimensions


I wonder what is the best way to accomplish this 24/7/365 fully autonomously, without any clicking on a PowerAutomate-Button or opening an Excel file manually

My solution so far:
An Excel File with a Macro, which connects to the model and extracts the data automatically. But this file would have to be started manually so. The process just takes 10seconds / day

  • Virtual Machine? - a bit over the top for just 10 Seconds per day
  • Windows 365 with onedrive
  • PowerAutomate/Flow

I am also happy do hear how do you tackle the historization of Power BI reports?

Sorry if this was posted before with other key words somewhere else.
Thanks a lot!