Hi All, I have a Customer Names lookup table, where I have used the measure to get the customer sales, and in another column I have used a Switch function to make a sales band or sales slab for high and low volume customers. Using a slicer, when I use the same banding to filter by customer, the sales numbers dont appear correctly…for e.g customer sold more than 20,000 units should be filtered, but in the filter even other customers sold less than 20,000 units appear. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, if anyone has faced this problem.
Hi Rajesh, yes that’s right, I was wondering if there was an easier solution to filter and see the results. But, I guess will have to use the same model as in Sam’s video.
Hi Rajesh,
Thanks, that’s exactly what I was looking for. I also adjusted the formula so that if there is no selection, it should show all the results.
Thanks for helping.