Custom Year Period X Axis that shows Last Year Last Period

SampleYearPeriod.pbix (95.9 KB)

Hi All, I have a requirement to show on X-Axis Last Period of last Year plus all periods of current year … i.e.,Screenshot here
YearPeriod Desired Output

I already have a Column year period that is coming from the SQL server
I have a single selector slicer on Fiscal Year i.e., 2020,2021,2022, etc.,
so based on Year selected, I should show this X-Axis dynamically to display only the last period of the previous year and all periods of the current year.

So Far I am able to get the last period last year value dynamically based on year slicer selection.

CustomYearPeriod = VAR MonthN = If(dim_date[CalendarMonth] < 10, "0" & dim_date[CalendarMonth],dim_date[CalendarMonth])
VAR TargetYear = VALUE(dim_date[FiscalYear])
VAR PreviousYr = TargetYear-1
Var MaxPeriod = Max(dim_date[CalendarMonth])
VAR Result =  CALCULATE(Min(dim_date[CalendarYearPeriod]),FILTER(dim_date,dim_date[CalendarYearPeriod] >=
PreviousYr &" P" & MaxPeriod))
Return Result


Hi @Archer. The PBIX you attached has only a Dates table (i.e., no data). Please create some sample data and the visual you’re looking to enhance, and the forum members can continue from there. Also, your date table should be marked as a date table for time intelligence DAX calculations to operate reliably.

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Hello @Archer, to receive a resolution to your inquiry, please make sure that you provide all the necessary details on this thread.

We also noticed that no response has been received from you since July 3. If there won’t be any activity from your end in the coming days, we’ll be marking this thread as SOLVED.


Hi @Greg , Sure thank you for the guidance. Please find the latest uploaded PBIX with changes you’ve proposed and describing current & desired state

SampleYearPeriod.pbix (113.8 KB)

Thank you for sending in the information. Bumping this post for more visibility. :slight_smile:

Hi @Archer.

One way to get what you want is to add a disconnected Fiscal Years table, then use it for your fiscal year slicer. Then, you can harvest the selected value from the slicer and compute your desired graph range

Graph Fiscal Period Max = 
VAR _CurrentFiscalYear = SELECTEDVALUE( 'Fiscal Years'[Fiscal Year] )
VAR _Result = INT( _CurrentFiscalYear & "12")


Graph Fiscal Period Min = 
VAR _CurrentFiscalYear = SELECTEDVALUE( 'Fiscal Years'[Fiscal Year] )
VAR _Result = INT( ( INT( _CurrentFiscalYear) - 1 ) & "12")


Then, you can develop and use measures in your visual rather than naked columns, using CALCULATE and your desired graph range like:

Actual = 
CALCULATE( SUM( InventoryData[actual] ),
    FILTER( dim_date,
        dim_date[FiscalYearPeriod] >= [Graph Fiscal Period Min] &&
        dim_date[FiscalYearPeriod] <= [Graph Fiscal Period Max]

You can then develop similar measures for Budget, Forecast, and Prior Year. Using these measures, you graph looks like:

Hope this helps.
eDNA Forum - Custom Year Period X Axis 2.pbix (118.0 KB)


Hi @Archer, did the response provided by @Greg help you solve your query? If not, how far did you get and what kind of help you need further? If yes, kindly mark as solution the answer that solved your query. Thanks!

Thank you so much @Greg this worked

@Archer ,

Hey, happy Cake Day! Thanks very much for your engagement in the Enterprise DNA community over the past year.


  • Brian
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Hey @BrianJ
It is quite rewarding to be part of eDNA so it’s my pleasure