Hello everyone, i have this need to create a custom measure based on the hierarchy of the node displayed in the matrix and could use some help with a dax.
I have a matrix table, and it has category, item data with Current Fiscal Year (CFY) - Sales, Units, Prior Fiscal Year (PFY) Sales, Units and a Weighted Revenue Measure - derived as ‘price from last year - PFY sales/ PFY quantity’ * CFY quantity… as shown in the image below…
So, the ask is to sum all the item Weighted Revenue when this measure is displayed for the ‘Category’ row, where as at an item level, it needs to perform the above listed calculation…
I tried using ‘isfiltered’/hasonefilter, isinscope’ functions to identify the row - find if row displayed is a category row or an item row, to then find a way to apply the appropriate rules but i am not getting the desired results…
thanks for reading my post, appreciate any suggestions!