I am trying to get the results like the below
Here are my amounts below
Table ‘Ledger’
Date ActualDollars
1/3/2016 24
1/25/2016 15
1/31/2016 33
2/6/2016 15
2/10/2016 39
2/25/2016 30
3/1/2016 5
4/2/2016 10
4/20/2016 20
5/5/2016 15
5/15/2016 24
5/20/2016 30
6/1/2016 15
6/5/2016 30
6/23/2016 45
7/1/2016 28
8/5/2016 24
8/12/2016 16
9/1/2016 27
9/3/2016 18
9/5/2016 9
10/1/2016 12
10/17/2016 15
10/30/2016 24
I’ve got the cumulative total (I believe) but I can’t work out how to calculated the avg as I work through the month
Cumulative Actual = TOTALYTD(SUM(Ledger[ActualDollars]),Ledger[GLDGJ],FILTER(ALL(Ledger_GLDJ[full_date]),Ledger_GLDJ[full_date] <= MAX(Ledger_GLDJ[full_date])))
Appreciate some assistance on this?