Cumulative value by date with measure not assigned to a date


I’ve got a problem with showing one of my cumulative measure.

He’re is a measure wich i want to show cumulative:
In the photo with table below you can see that measure [Liczba aut (wjazd) MSC (predykcja)] is not assigned to a specific date. It is counting my monthly forecast the way bussines wanted to count it. So I made this measure, [alokacja sr predykcji] to show my daily average of forecast, but only in those days, where budget is located.

That is how it look:

You see that it is ok, I’ve got my daily average only in days where is budget.

Now I have made simpel cumulative measure.

And here are results:
The results are almost the same like measure [alokacja sr predykcji] except that the total value now is correct, it gives me my forecast value.

So my question is, why only total value is ok?

I understand that values of measure [alokacja sr predykcji] are not directly assigned to a date, so when i delete ISBLANK formula it would show my result 16,48 on every day of date context, but even with that i thought that PBI would add this day by day.

Hello @wojteq

Would you be able to send sample .pbix file?

Kumail Raza

Hi @wojteq, we aim to consistently improve the topics being posted on the forum to help you in getting a strong solution faster.

As @Kumail mentioned above, it would be very helpful for the other users if you include the masked demo pbix file.

Not sending may sometimes cause delay in getting an answer.

Please also check the How To Mask Sensitive Data thread for some tips on how to mask your pbix file.

Hi @wojteq, we’ve noticed that no response has been received from you since the 25th of May.

We are waiting for masked demo pbix file and any other supporting links and details.

In case there won’t be any activity on it in the next few days, we’ll be tagging this post as Solved.