I’ve got a problem with showing one of my cumulative measure.
He’re is a measure wich i want to show cumulative:
In the photo with table below you can see that measure [Liczba aut (wjazd) MSC (predykcja)] is not assigned to a specific date. It is counting my monthly forecast the way bussines wanted to count it. So I made this measure, [alokacja sr predykcji] to show my daily average of forecast, but only in those days, where budget is located.
That is how it look:
You see that it is ok, I’ve got my daily average only in days where is budget.
Now I have made simpel cumulative measure.
And here are results:
The results are almost the same like measure [alokacja sr predykcji] except that the total value now is correct, it gives me my forecast value.
So my question is, why only total value is ok?
I understand that values of measure [alokacja sr predykcji] are not directly assigned to a date, so when i delete ISBLANK formula it would show my result 16,48 on every day of date context, but even with that i thought that PBI would add this day by day.