Creating tooltip for each visual as a help windows

My name is Sirky,

I am a member since 2019 and Enterprise DNA helped me a lot moving forward on my career. Thanks for amazing platform.

Today I have a question on what I observe one of Microsoft report called “Gen2 - Premium Capacity Usage and Resource Utilization”. They have a discerption for each visuals which you get when you hover over on the visual a question mark icon pop up just like a “filter” or “Ellipsis” and when you close your mouse to the question mark it shows you what this visual is, description of each key words etc.

Please look at the screen shot for further explanation. So I want to create the same for our visuals but I don’t really know how that works. I guess they used tooltips but I don’t know how they make the question mark icon to pop up on hover over on each visuals.

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@sirky ,

This is one of my all-time favorite tips from @sam.mckay. In the video below, he shows you exactly how to accomplish this:

– Brian


Hi Brain thanks for you quick reply.

I got a solution to my problem. It was actually very easy.

It all need to turn help tool tip on each visuals the attach a tool tip for you created.

Kind Regards,