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Using the dataset from the financial reporting tutorial, how could you create a dynamic income statement that can be filtered by customer for each revenue and expense line item? The tutorial has an overall profitability (revenue - cost) for each customer based off a cost per unit metric. The goal is to generate a full pnl for each customer. Could you point me in the right direction for that functionality? Thanks,
@Ryan the financial data needs a customerid against every revenue and expense line items.
In accounting systems you don’t normally run Profit and loss per customer as such.
Its more of a job costing function where you are looking at profits by cost centres. In saying that you could do this but I would imagine the coding/tagging of transactions would be generated by your the accounting system.
Are you dealing with a specific accounting package?
Garry, thanks for the feedback! I was thinking in the tutorial you could arrive at a cost/unit for each expense line item and then apply the unit count of each customer to construct customer pnls. My company looks at its customer base on a full pnl basis by spreading all costs to customers, that is why I’m asking. To your point, I wouldn’t be pulling expenses with customerids attached from our accounting system, but we take total line item costs and apply them to customers based on volume. Given the tutorial dataset, could we divide each expense item by total units and then multiply units by line item cost/unit to construct profitability? It would be super helpful to see the best way to create that functionality. Thank you!
@Ryan thanks for the further information.
It should be possible to assign unit costs by customers by volume/quantity but you may need to work out the granularity required for your results and it could lead to a lot more calculations/tables required.
The volume could relate to product sales so again maybe this is another dimension you need to cater for. We probably need to see your real example data in detail to work out best approach.
Sam’s example is basic financial reporting template, where as you want a more job/customer based profit and loss so there is another level of complexity here. I’m not sure of best method but spreading all costs to customers would require a decent model to achieve your result.
I am hoping others on the forum could have some suitable options for you.