Creating Custom Matrix Chart

Hi @ngrunoz,

Appologies for not getting back to you sooner and thanks for supplying a sample :+1:
I’ve replaced your Dates table with the Extended Date table, you can find here. And added that twice to your model, 1 connected and 1 disconnected.

Created a ShowDates measure:

ShowDates =
VAR WOffset = SELECTEDVALUE( 'Date (disconnected)'[CurrWeekOffset], 0 )
VAR _Dates =
    CALCULATETABLE( VALUES( 'Dates'[Date] ),
        Dates[CurrWeekOffset] IN { WOffset -1, WOffset },
        Dates[IsAfterToday] = FALSE()
VAR _Result =
    IF( SELECTEDVALUE( Dates[Date] ) IN _Dates,

And used that as a visual level filter in the filter pane.

And when no date is selected in the disconnected date slicer, it defaults to the previous week up to ‘today’.

Here’s your sample file.
Matrix Chart.pbix (450.9 KB)

I hope this is helpful