Create Table with specific detailled columns

Hey guys
I’ve created a table like this:

NOT Inv & No Client =
‘Tab TimeSheet’,
‘Tab TimeSheet’[Invoiced] = “No”
&& ‘Tab TimeSheet’[ClientID] <> BLANK ()
Anyway of instead of all the columns that i get, just choose TS ID, Date and Project ID columns?
Thank you all

Hi @pedroccamara,

DAX function names are pretty descriptive…

SELECTCOLUMNS returns a table with selected columns from the table and new columns specified by the DAX expressions. Read more here:

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I just love the simplicity of the solution…

NOT Inv & W Client =
‘Tab TimeSheet’,
“Employee”, ‘Tab TimeSheet’[Employee ™],
“TS ID”, ‘Tab TimeSheet’[TS ID],
“Client ID”, ‘Tab TimeSheet’[ClientID],
“Date”, ‘Tab TimeSheet’[Date],
“Project ID”, ‘Tab TimeSheet’[ProjectID]
[Invoice No & W Client]

Thank you so much @Melissa