Hello Enterprise DNA,
I have a table for tutoring hours by student by session. However, the tutoring hours are not subtotaled.
I would like to create a table in the following manner.
Student ID |
Session |
Totals Hours |
78540 |
1st Six Weeks |
3.0 |
78540 |
2nd Six Weeks |
8.0 |
78540 |
3rd Six Weeks |
5.5 |
The goal is to use this envisioned table to create a clustered column chart of tutor hours by student by sessions weeks (group).
I have adapted the DAX below but am doing something wrong because I get an error message.
Tutoring Only.pbix (139.5 KB)
Any nudge is greatly appreciated.
Forgot to mention that the data is fake but the problem is real.
Hello everyone,
I corrected the Summ TOT Dax.
But I failed to realize that the DAX would only give me Max value. I blame it on monkey sees, monkey does. Instead of studying and learning.
At any rate, I still would like to one table that sums tutor hours by student by sessions weeks (group).
I envision this table akin to a pivot table in Excel.
Student ID |
Session |
Totals Hours |
78540 |
1st Six Weeks |
3.0 |
78540 |
2nd Six Weeks |
8.0 |
78540 |
3rd Six Weeks |
5.5 |
I did create Tutor Hours SumX =
SUMX(‘Tutorial Log_Long’,
‘Tutorial Log_Long’[30-minute Sessions] *.5)
SumX outputs correctly as a table. But I cannot create a column chart.
I got the idea from Sam McKay’s YouTube video.
However, I do see that Sam was able to create a column chart which I believe is based on his SumX calculation.
I appreciate any nudge.
I figured out the solution.
I needed a measure and a table.
Step 1.
Total Tutoring Hours = SUM(‘Tutorial Log_Long’[30-minute Sessions])*.5
Step 2.
Tutor Hours by Sessions =
‘Tutorial Log_Long’, ‘Tutorial Log_Long’[Student ID], ‘Tutorial Log_Long’[Sessions Weeks (groups)], “Total Tutor Hours”, ‘Tutorial Log_Long’[Total Tutoring Hours])
Step 3. Bring in Session Weeks (Group) into the filters
Thank you to everyone. I appreciate the nudges.
glad you figure out a solution to your problem yourself.
thanks for posting the solution also 
Please don’t forget to mark as solved