I am new to Power BI and to this forum! I am fired up about the possibilities of Power BI and am working my way through the content as part of the membership to Enterprise DNA which I think is great.
The project I am working on (a database created within Dynamics365 is connected to Power BI and initially I need to create a set of measures which will include/exclude specific values from tables and collumns to enable me to create a set of reports.
I need to create 2 measures to start!
- Select a specific value from a collumn & exclude all other values.
E.G. (Occurrence, [Occurrence Severity]
Options: Serious/Less Serious/ Incident/Very Serious
Select: I want to return only values in the table for Serious
- Exclude a specific value from a specific collumn.
E.G. (Occurrence, [Occurrence Severity]
Options: Serious/Less Serious/ Incident/Very Serious
Select: I want to exclude very serious.
The above are just an example of the measure I will need to apply to other tables with many more values associated to them.
I have been struggling to create these measures and would appreciate a push in the right direction
Many thanks